[MPlayer-users] generaitng VCD

Nico nsabbi at libero.it
Tue Oct 14 13:41:11 CEST 2003

dustinempty space wrote:

 >[Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
 >have someone any idea about how to encode a divx to
 >obtain a mpg compatible with the vcd-standard?


 >I'm trying to let mencoder generate a file that can be
 >processed from vcdimager in order to burn a VCD, i'm
 >using the following line
 >mencoder -of mpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts
:vhq:vbitrate=1743   - why format=422P? I'm not sure, but I never used 
it and I never failed.
why vrc_eq=1 ?

 >-vop scale=352:240 -oac copy -o vcd.mpg dt1.f
 >but with no success.
 >DOES somebody knows how to use mencoder to create
1) Audio must be mp2, that mencoder doesn't generate. Use toolame for that.
2) The output is AVI, not mpeg.
Few days ago Andrji posted a patche to re-enable mpeg file format output 
in Mplayer 0.92; you
should use it, then remux it as vcd or xvcd with dvb-mpegtools 
(www.metzlerbros.de, package libdvb-0.50).

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