[MPlayer-users] Stop time.

Konstantinos Karydas kkar at intracom.gr
Mon Oct 13 08:34:20 CEST 2003

> Hello again.
> Is there any stop function for mplayer in the last releases or cvs?
> I want to do something like:
> mplayer -ss 15 -stop 47 video.mpg
> which means play the video.mpg starting at 15secs and stopping at 47secs.
> Of course the -stop does not exist but this is what I want to do
> if there is
> any way(?).
> I have tried:
> mplayer -ss 15 -frames 800 video.mpg
> where 800 frames=32secs*25fps, and it is 32 secs because we want
> to play 32
> seconds after the 15 first secons to reach the 47 secs timing. I hope you
> understand.
> Anyway, this works for me but there is a problem with that:
> *When the playback starts at the 15secs and you rewind or fast
> forward then
> the mplayer plays the 32 secs from the position you rewind or
> fast forward!
> I.e. if you rewind to e.g. 8secs then it will playback until the 40secs of
> the video.mpg clip and not until the 47 secs that is required to
> play! This
> is not a bug of course, but the (unexplained) lack of a stop functionality
> in mplayer that would do the "mplayer -ss 15 -stop 47 video.mpg", causes a
> lot of trouble.
> So, as I asked in the beginning:
> Is there any stop function for mplayer in the last releases or cvs that I
> don't know? Is there going to be a stop function soon? Maybe we
> should also
> forward this questions to the mplayer developers as well.
> Thanks a lot,
> please help if you know anything at all,
> best regards,
> Kostas

Did you receive this? Because I can't see any answer at all in the mailing
list! Thank you.

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