[MPlayer-users] Distortion between different versions of MPlayer/Mencoder

rcooley rcooley at spamcop.net
Sat Oct 4 14:55:03 CEST 2003

Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> i guess thats only happenig with files which have width or height %16 =! 0, 
Yes, that seems to fit.

> yes there was a bug in old libavcodec versions but i thought it didnt affect 
> encoding, can u provide some samples?
I've put up a very temporary ftp server (I'll leave it up for a few 
days).  You need to use active mode however.  ftp://rcooley.dyndns.org

That has jpegs of playback with mplayer 09x/1x, from files encoded by 
mencoder 09x/1x.  I've also put the 15 second source files up for both, 
so you can try it yourself.  The stills don't seem to show the problem 
quite a clearly as the videos.

> hmm, do u have an example video generated by mencoder 0.9x which doenst play 
> in mplayer 1.x, this shouldnt happen 

One that doesn't play?  No.  However, I have many examples of videos 
that have been encoded with mencoder 0.9x, that have a great deal of 
distortion when played back with mplayer 1.x, although they playback 
fine with mplayer 0.9x.

Obviously, I want videos I have archived to be playable without 
artifacts and distortion.  If this is a bug in mplayer 0.9x's version of 
libavcodec, I'm going to have to go through a great deal of trouble, 
converting everything to something else, like Xvid.

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