[MPlayer-users] header intact

Tony Earnshaw tonye at billy.demon.nl
Sat Dec 27 17:53:47 CET 2003

lør, 27.12.2003 kl. 14.11 skrev Adam Nielsen:

> [Automatic answer: RTFM (read DOCS, FAQ), also read DOCS/bugreports.html]
> > 
> That's a great idea - we'll get it implemented in mplayer as soon as possible!

Well, as a newbie lurker who has *enormous* problems with the docs and
the lack of newbieness on this list since I subscribed, I'd back up
Salahuddin Pasha and suggest that someone on the list rewrites all the
docs for mplayer and the Mozilla plugin, preferably by Jan 1st next, by
which time the European Union will have upped the price of all
roll-your-own tobacco to the unpayable, and I shall have committed
suicide («begått selvmord» regarding Norwegian «rullings» or "zelfmoord
gepleegd" regarding "Dutch halfzware shag"), been beaten to death by
railway (not railroad) officials for smoking on stations, or drunk
myself to death (the maniacal Gro Harlem Brundtland never thought of
Demon Drink in connection with world health). Hmmm .. hope she recovers
from her - deadly - illness soon.

In the meantime, I'll carry on lurking and trying things out with the
rotten docs that there are (mostly the rotten Mozilla plugin Windows
Media Player docs, trying to get NRK's Vestlandsrevyen to work out of RH
Linux RHEL 3/Gnome 2/Mozilla 1.4.1 self-compiled mplayer plugin). Nearly
there, now. No solace in DOCS or FAQ ;)


mail: billy - at - billy.demon.nl

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