[MPlayer-users] SuperBit DVD

Arpi arpi at thot.banki.hu
Tue May 14 22:49:01 CEST 2002


> MPlayer "make install" ignores the "--prefix=<prefix>" switch?  Why ?
because it's not automake stuff
nowhere is written that a Makefile should honor --prefix
it's a feature of automake only, but we don't like automake

use --prefix at ./configure

> When I say I want mplayer in some specific dir, I do so with good
> reason.  Since when does a shell script know better than a human ?
makefile is not shell script

> VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x
> (rev 64)
> I'm wondering:  Does anybody happen to know what chipset this card has
> ?  Is it mach64 ?  Rage128 ?  What is it ?

it's mach64
send lspci -vvv

A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team

Developer of MPlayer, the Movie Player for Linux - http://www.MPlayerHQ.hu

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