[MPlayer-users] Win32 / Linux VobSub for MPlayer multi-platform color fix

John Evans jevans64 at knology.net
Sun Dec 8 09:21:03 CET 2002

Hi All,

     I thought I would post a quick fix for the color palette 
differences between VobSub for Windows and Vobsub for Linux. I am not 
very good at C programming and this is just a crude mod of the code in 
vobsub.c. This will only work if the origional .idx file was edited to 
only display the middle two ( tridx: 1001 ) or last three colors ( 
tridx: 1000 ) and changed the palette to a light text w/ dark outline. I 
changed all of my Windows subs to white text w/ black outline with the 
following line in the .idx file.

custom colors: ON, tridx: 1000, colors: 000000, 000000, ffffff, 000000

**** This will not work if the .idx was already created and edited to 
work with Linux VobSub **** The Windows VobSub source would have to be 
altered instead.

I welcome any better way of fixing this for both Windows and Linux.

On to the meat. ;-)

Attached is a template for use on the Windows version of VobSub. Just 
paste this to the beginning of your existing .idx file and edit out any 
duplicate lines ( Win users already have this part but VobSub for 
MPlayer does not generate this. I have added a 5th color just in case it 
is needed for Linux VobSub but it is not necessary if the last color is 
black ( 000000 ). Test play the subs on a Windows box to properly set 
the "Origin" and "Image scaling" parameters. These have no effect on a 
Linux box.

Windows VobSub reads the colors as : background, outline, text, border 
between text & outline.

Linux VobSub in MPlayer reads the colors as: background ( not used ), 
text, outline, border between text & outline ( not used ).

Attached is the replacement vobsub.c file. Unpack the MPlayer-0.90pre10 
( or similar ) archive. Go into the directory created by the tarball and 
replace the vobsub.c with my version. Back up the origional just in 
case. ;-) Do the usual ./configure , make , make install. That's it.

What I did:

changed line 820  <line += 40;> to read <line += 48;>

just shifts the parse to the second color and grabs from there.

Very simple. ;-) A second set of 4 colors could even be added to the end 
of the first 4.

Happy encoding,

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