[MPlayer-dev-eng] Lots of stuff for NUT

Oded Shimon ods15 at ods15.dyndns.org
Fri Dec 30 21:50:10 CET 2005

On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 03:06:48PM -0500, Rich Felker wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 09:10:02PM +0200, Oded Shimon wrote:
> > 3. strict interleaving method
> > 
> > We still have the deprecated DTS method in the spec. My vote is for MN 
> > rule, it has only one flaw IMO. you can do stupid things like audio 
> > preload if you set decode_delay higher than it should be.
> > Here is a text Rich and I prepared for MN rule a while ago..
> > -
> > all timestamps must satisfy a monotonicity condition: if I and J
> > are two frames, not necessarily from the same stream, and I
> > precedes J in the bitstream, then the _decode_ timestamp of I must
> > be less than or equal to the _presentation_ timestamp of J,
> > compared in a common time base.
> > -
> All good interleaving rules must satisfy the "MN condition", but the
> MN condition is hardly a rule by itself because there are many ways to
> satisfy it, many of them not-so-good like the audio preload hack you
> mention above. Note that strict monotone dts ordering also has this
> issue. The problem is that, the way dts is defined, it depends on
> decode_delay, i.e. multiple valid choices for decode_delay will give
> different dts values. If you are unable to know the optimal
> decode_delay (e.g. remuxing h264 with pyramid crap) and just choose a
> big number to be safe, it will be like having large 'video preload',
> the opposite of audio preload, which makes demuxing large-buffer
> intensive.
> Actually I would like to revisit what uau said about dts the other day
> on irc. His proposal was the same as my old 'mts' (muxing timestamp)
> one, which I had largely abandoned and was not too eagar to embrace
> again. It provides packets in a slightly less optimal order for
> demuxing than the dts method does if correct decode_delay is used, but
> it's totally independent of decode_delay as long as a valid delay is
> chosen.
> The formula is simple:
> mts = min (this frame's pts, all later frames' pts)
> Of course you don't have to look forward at the entire rest of the
> file, just decode_delay frames forward. This _seems_ to require
> buffering in the muxer (which I strongly oppose) however it actually
> does not as long as the encoder can output frames immediately without
> delay, or provide a flag indicating whether the frame has earlier-pts
> frames that depend on it. Even if the encoder does not provide this or
> there is no encoder (remuxing), a framer can provide this information.

How on earth do you detect out of order frames like this, you won't detect 
them in time, only much later...
Heh, I gues you just check if they follow MN rule. That's still correct and 

> > 2. syncpoints must be max(dts) (min(pts)?)
> > 
> > At the moment there's absolutely no rule about syncpoint pts, it can 
> > practically be random numbers and it's still legal. We say it must be 
> > either max dts across all streams, or min pts across all streams...
> > I think i preffer max dts. dts is "almost" monotone, making the syncpoint 
> > fit nicely between the frames...
> > Also, given subtitles, min(pts) is completely bogus. even with EOS, think 
> > during a subtitle.
> > Both methods basically make the syncpoints themselves also follow the MN 
> > rule. Which brings us to next thing...
> If we use mts rule, the obvious choice is that syncpoint timestamp is
> minimum of all subsequent frame pts values, which is the mts of the
> frame attached to the syncpoint.

And you implement this... how? The low level muxer does absoloutely no 

I agree mts is good (BTW, it was originally your idea? I thought when you 
brought it up way back then, it was uau's idea..), but mts has the problem 
of you not knowing it at all without being a fortune teller. :/

Correct decode delay must be known, otherwise the player won't be able to 

OK, here's my idea... It involves EOR. (new name eos, "End of Relavence")
Keep exact same dts method as now. (not MN rule, STRICT monotone dts!)
After an EOR, all of dts cache is cleared.
The FIRST frame after after an EOR, all the dts cache is filled to that 
frame's pts!

pts :  0 1 3 2              100 101 102
mts :  0 1 2 2              100 101 102
dts : -1 0 1 2              3   100 101
dts2: -1 0 1 2 EOR          100 100 101

Well, what do you think? :)

- ods15

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