[MPlayer-dev-eng] [PATCH] wmv9dmo - correct supported output formats

John Koleszar jkoleszar at on2.com
Tue Dec 13 19:42:09 CET 2005

I've got a WMV3 clip that when played in mplayer has the chroma planes 
screwed up (phase problems). The problem only exists when opening the 
decoder in YV12 format (the default). Forcing other formats with -vf 
format such as YUY2 and UYVY cause the video to be displayed properly. 
I've looked into this a bit and the problem seems to be that this codec 
accepts YV12 as an output format but has some internal bug with it. YV12 
is not one of the codec's preferred output formats (as retrieved from 
the IMediaObject::GetOutputType interface, GraphEdit, etc). It's 
preferred output formats are YUY2, UYVY, YVYU, RGB32, RGB24, RGB565, 
RGB555, RGB8.

The attached patch to codecs.conf corrects the supported output types 
for both YUV and BGR, though the BGR ones remain commented out. I can 
provide a test clip if necessary, but it seems like consistency with 
GraphEdit should be enough here...


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