[MPlayer-dev-eng] Re: help on libmpdemux usage

Romain Dolbeau dolbeau at irisa.fr
Tue Jan 20 10:46:02 CET 2004

Shan wrote:

> Yes you are correct QT does handle YUV overlays but not from the 
> developers point of view as QT is called via the CoreGraphics 
> WindowServer using Quartz functions under OSX.  In OS9 it is QuickDraw 
> functions that call QuickTime.  You will find that CoreGraphic and 
> QuickDraw includes are used in LibSDL and VLC, not QuickTime ones.

Wrong, both SDL and VLC include QuickTime headers, and they
both call functions defined in those headers (OK, maybe
the plural is overkill). Functions that are implemented in
the QuickTime library (in the Framework).

I *did* read the sources, so I *do* know what I'm talking about.

> IMHO, QuickDraw is still the best 2D graphics engine I've seen in terms 
> of speed and functionality.  Shame, Apple didn't spend the time 
> necessary to port it over to OSX.

QuickDraw was pretty nice, and QuickDraw GX was over-the-top...
But noboby ever used it :-(

Romain Dolbeau

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