[MPlayer-dev-eng] How do u get total time of files?

shane bradley sb_mplayer at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 22 23:02:13 CEST 2003

I am using mplayer as engine for my Java based jukebox application?

The only problem that i have is getting the total time of files?

How do u get the totaltime of files?

Such as .mp3, .ogg or some video media. I would like to be able to use 
mplayer to do this, i have tried the identity flag but it never seems 
to  return the time in output.

Btw, I have not found any java based libraries that will allow me to get 
total time of mp3, I have tried javazoom, but it does not take in to 
account VBR files. Currently i am using Mp3Info, but I would like to use 
just one external app, because these are native programs and not java. I 
am reading from a stream, in linux. too btw

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