[MPlayer-dev-eng] [SCRIPT] Second version (v0.1.1) of mencvcd!

Felix Buenemann atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Apr 12 15:43:08 CEST 2002

On Friday 12 April 2002 13:37, Juergen Hammelmann wrote:
> with my tests, resampling with mplayer ao plugin sampling is buggy!
> 1) you only hear a ticking in downsampled wav
> 2) at the end of decoding, mplayer chrashes with sig11 error in uninit_ao
yea, someone else noticedn this already, there's some memory corruption 
happening inside the resample plugin.
> I try to use sox / mp2enc for resampling and encodig to mp2, but
> sox/mp2enc can't read from named pipes!? It say, that it can't read the
> wav/riff header.
why not use toolame --resample 44.1 <yourothertoolameopts> ? it willo do the 
resampling inside toolame (at least this works with loame, so I guess toolame 
supports it too).

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- MPlayer Developer - http://mplayerhq.hu/ -

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