[MPlayer-dev-eng] man page out of sync with some options

pl p_l at tfz.net
Wed Dec 26 23:17:19 CET 2001


On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 03:52:27PM +0100, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 December 2001 14:58, Arpi wrote:
> [...]
> > > -pp what is the exact effect of Ox2....

Is the following ascii 'art' correct ?

"-pp quality
apply postprocess filter on decoded image.

Postprocessing effect depends on the codec and works only for MPEG, OpenDivX,
DivX4, DivX. Quality is an hexadecimal number built as below:

0x 0T 0X UU YZ
    ^  ^ ^^ ^^
    |  |  | ||
    |  |  | |\- postprocessing flag for luminance:
    |  |  | |   1/2: h/v deblock  4: dering  8: auto contrast correction
    |  |  | |
    |  |  | \-- postproc flags for color:
    |  |  |     1/2: h/v deblock  4: dering  8: auto brightness correction
    |  |  |
    |  |  \---- experimental deblocking filters:
    |  |        01: X's filter 02: x1 filter
    |  |
    |  \------- deinterlacing modes
    |           1: linear interpolation  2: linear blend
    |           4: cubic interpolation   8: median
    \---------- temporal denoise filter: 1 enabled

Hint: you want to try -pp 0x20000 before anything else :)

Best regards,

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