[MPlayer-dev-eng] Pre caching patch

David Holm dholm at telia.com
Wed Dec 12 18:19:41 CET 2001

Arpi wrote:

>>First this one, pretty simple. it add a new siwtch : pre_cache [0-100] 
>>During the first cache_read it's wait the buffer reach the desired value, that's just it.
>others: do not apply this
>it is not really pre-caching, at least not in my terms :)
>i think (and others asked for this) it should fill cache to given % when it
>gets empty. i mean, it shouldn't continue playback as soon as a single
>packet is readed after a cache flush.
>i'll do this patch properly today night, ok?
>A'rpi / Astral & ESP-team
>mailto:arpi at thot.banki.hu
>MPlayer-dev-eng mailing list
>MPlayer-dev-eng at mplayerhq.hu
Where exactly does this pre-caching take place? If say someone was 
working (hard) on a realtime video encoder for hw decoder boards would 
this pre-caching make MPEG B-frames useful?

//David Holm

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